Biochemistry: It is a non-specific thiol reactant, inhibiting respiration.
Mode of action: It is a fungicide with protective action.
Uses: Mancozeb is used for the control of many fungal diseases (e.g. blight, leaf spot, rust, downy mildew, scab, etc.) in field crops, fruit, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, etc. Particular uses include control of early and late blights of potatoes and tomatoes (at 1.36 kg/ha); Rhizoctonia solani and Streptomyces scabies on seed potatoes; leaf spot diseases on celery, cucurbits, beet, berries and currants; rusts on cereals, vegetables, roses, carnations, asparagus, beans, apples and plums (at 1.6 kg/ha); downy mildews on hops, vines, onions, leeks, lettuce, cucurbits, ornamentals and tobacco; Gloeodes pomigena, Glomerella cingulata, Microthyriella rubi and Physalospora obtusa on apples; scab on apples and pears (at 2.4-3.6 kg/ha); sigatoka disease (Cercospora musae) in bananas; shot-hole of stone fruit; anthracnose of beans and cucurbits; damping-off diseases of vegetables; black leg of beet; needle cast in forestry; and many seed-borne diseases of cereals. It is also used for foliar application or as a seed treatment.
Formulation types: DP; DS; SC; WG; WP.
Eastchem is a specialized mancozeb manufacturer and supplier based in China. We offer various types of fungicides such as tebuconazole, hexaconazole, propiconazole, and metalaxyl. We also provide a wide variety of insecticides and herbicides.