Home Low Pressure Oil Burner

Low Pressure Oil Burner

Low Pressure Oil Burner

Low Pressure Oil Burner

Our company researched and developed new type "Low Pressure OilBurner"
Integrated with NCIB burner, high efficient andenergy-saving;   
Simple structure, stable and reliable, maintenance free and non-cleaning;
Position-relevant and professional;
PLC program controller, convenient human-computer dialog interface;
With the feature of intellectual system, it’s an ideal burner of asphalt mixingplant. 

1. Energy saving: Rational parameters of theelectrical machines in our low pressure oil burner contribute a lot to the longservice life of electrical machines and oil pump as well as electricity-saving.
2. Flexible and precise adjusting of air/oil ratio: PLC control of air/oilratio can be adjusted according to requirements under operation.
3. Efficient and oil saving: it is suitable for various kinds of oils, such asheavy oil, poor oil. Fuel consumption of asphalt mixture can achieve 5.8kg/t.
4. Convenient human-computer dialog interface: the touch screen (or PC) canclearly display the operation condition of low pressure oil burner.
5. Professional control software. The control software of our low pressureburner is designed based on the related technology of asphalt mixing plants. Itis professional and has strong pertinence.
6. Simple structure, stable and reliable, maintenance free and non-cleaning.
7. Load regulation rate: 10:1; stepless speedregulation which can achieve the flexible adjustment of air/oil curve point.

Low Pressure Oil Burner

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