Network Workstation FDL-NET001P
This network workstation is made of one computer, one 8 channels ArtNet-DMX bidirectional decoder, one 24 channels network switchboard with dualoptical fiber interface9, 8 FDL-4DXSP digital signal amplifiers, one UPS power, one wireless router which can connect to 4 computers, one 32channels RJ45 wire jumper, one 32 channels DMX512 wire jumper and dedicated 32U rack. Thisnetwork workstation can offer two pairs of optic fiber interfaces, 24 RJ45 network interfaces, 8 channels DMX input and output, and access one channel wireless network.
Working Principle
The controlled network signal from the control room is accessed by a pairof optical fibers and will be transmitted to the vice-network lightingworkstation of other stages by another pair of optical fiber. This networkworkstation works as a centre in the control network for stage lighting. Theone channel wireless network communication provides a standby communicationchannel to the network lighting workstation. As a result, if the transmittingof the main optical fiber malfunctioned, this network workstation canseamlessly start this wireless standby communication channel. This can ensurethe absolute safety of the main control signal.
1. 8 channels DMX512 signal input and output are provided by thisnetwork workstation.
2. It can provide two pairs of optical fiber TCP/IP network interfaces and 24 channels RJ45 TCP/IP network interface.
3. This network workstation is designed with wireless TCP/IP network interface.
4. The maximum transmission distance of the reticle is 1000M bps.
5. The wireless maximum transmission distance is 300M.
6. This network workstation can real-time the working condition.
7. The maximum transmission distance of the opticalfiber is 5000M.
8. This network workstation is designed with touch screen.
Communication Protocols this NetworkWorkstation Accords With
1. IEE802.3 Ethernet protocol
2. IEEE801.11b Wireless Ethernet protocol
3. “ACN” protocol: Advantage network control protocol set by American ESTAorganization
Asa network workstation manufacturer in China, Fangda alsoprovides sine wave lighting dimmer, dimmer pack, dimmer rack, air conditionercontroller, LED stage lighting fixture,lighting control system, and more.