GC102AF/GC102ATGas Chromatograph
1. Allcontrol and application parameters of this gas chromatograph can be set upthrough the keyboard. Functions, such as self-diagnosis, switch-off protection,document storage and transaction, limit temperature setup thermal trip valvesetup, and FID auto-ignition are incorporated inside of the instrument.
2. The LCDdisplay can accurately present all temperature control setup values, actualvalues, TCD (GC102AT) working electricity supply, sensitivity of FID (GC102AF)magnifier, etc.
3. The gas chromatograph supports packed column i.e., on-columnsample injection. It is compatible with such devices as instantaneousvaporizing sample injection, gas sample injection with gas sample injectionvalves, and 0.53mm large diametercapillary column direct sampler.
4. The open-end computer system can apply RS-232 interface andN-2000 chromatogram workstation to achieve single path communication controland data processing.
5. The large capacity column oven (300×280×270mm) of the gaschromatograph is easy to install with packed column and large diametercapillary column.
Performance Indicators
1. Temperature control areas: column,sampler, detector
2. Temperature control range: ambient -399℃ (increment by 1℃)
3. Temperature control accuracy: less than ±0.1℃ (measuredat 200℃)
FlameIonization Detector (GC102AF)
1. Detection limit: Mt≤1×10-10g/s (C16)
2. Drift: ≤2×10-12A/h
ThermalConductivity Detector (GC102AT)
1. Sensitivity: S≥1500mV.ml/mg(carrier gas: H2; sample: n-Hexadecane)
2. Baseline noise: ≤20µV
3. Baseline drift: ≤50µV/h
1. CDP-4A data processor
2. N-2000 chromatogram workstation
Dimension: 950x670x770mm
G. W.: 65kg
N. W.: 45kg
INESA is an experienced gas chromatograph manufacturer and supplier, based in China. We also provide fluorescencespectrophotometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, spectrophotometer,conductivity meter, refractometer, and more.