Home Mechanical Splice

Mechanical Splice


Fiber coating size range: 250um or 900um
Insertion loss <0.2dB, reflection loss<-45dB
Pull strength for buffer (4n/30s) <0.2dB
Impact from 1.5meter height (3 times) <0.2dB
Temperature cycling (-40- 80 12times) <0.2dB

Features and Benefits
1. Perfect optical parameter
2. The mechanical splice provides easy operation without specialtool.
3. Abilityto reopen for 12times
4. Quick assembly in under 20seconds
5. Field installable and userfriendly
6. Match Gel Storeroom design for long life
7. Costeffective

Mechanical Splice

The mechanical splice has applications in DataFTTH/FTTP, Local Area Network, Smart Grid, Mining, Oil, and Securityequipment.

At G-Tech, we can provide a wide array of fiber optic cabletest and preparation tools, such as mechanical splice, fiber optic stripper,fiber optical light source, and fiber optical power meter. As a fiber opticpatch cable manufacturer and supplier in China, we are committed to providingcustomers with high quality fiber optic adaptor, fiber optic pigtail, and fiberoptic cable. Thank you for visiting our website. If you are in need of ourproducts, contact us immediately! We look forward to working with you!

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