Home LHD6003-8


Dialing BurglarAlarm Control Panel,LHD6003-8

This dialing alarmburglar control panel is characterizedby its reliable function and strong communication ability. It is an ideal choicefor shops and banks which demand more in the control panel and thecommunication ability.

  The dialing alarm burglar control panel has 8 wired programmable zones. The function ofthe zones and thealarm mode can beprogrammed by user.
2.  Communication protocol: ADEMCO 4 2 DTMF, CFSKⅢ, 4/9ADEMCO DTMF
3.  Anti-tamper function formaster control and keypad
4.  Thiscontrol panel can alarmalone or by networking.
5.  The keypad is controllable and thereceiving centercan be set by users.
6.  Its flexible configuration makes itsuitable forvarious types ofdetectors.
7. Automaticallyand quickly dialingto alarm receivingcenter, user’smobile phone or fixed phone.
8. The control panel can deliver emergency alarm and duress alarm.  
9. Its AUX power iscurrent limiting protected.
10. The delayed time in enteringor exitingis adjustable.
11. Self-checking function

1. Rated operating voltage: 220VAC
2. Operating voltagerange: 190VAC~240VAC
3. Static operating current: <=100mA
4. Back-upbattery: sealed lead acid storage battery with 12V/7AH
5. Lowbattery voltage alarm : <=10.5V
6. Operatingtemperature: -10℃~ 55℃
7. Operatinghumidity: <=95%

Longhorn is adialing burglar alarm manufacturer and supplier located in China. We offer dialing burglaralarm, smoke detector and alarm siren. Our high quality products are offered atcompetitive prices. The full chain of manufacturing EPIR detector, fire alarmcontrol panel can be completed in China, even in one city. Lowermanufacturing cost saves your purchasing cost. The more details of each productare shown on the page with description.


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