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 Tin Can, Tin Box

Tin Can, TinBox

The surface layer of tin box is plated with tin which does not easily rust. It is also known as tin-plated iron.  This material is attained by dipping the iron intomolten tin liquid.  Tin is the metal less active than iron.  Neither can it be oxidized in the air nor can it produce reaction with water.  Therefore,it has very strong corrosionresistance.  Plating the iron with a tin layer can play a good protection role.  Oncethe platedlayer has been destroyed and it has electrochemicalcorrosion.  Since iron is more activethan tin, iron will serve as the negative pole of primary cell and cause lossthrough oxidation reaction. The presence of tinwill accelerate the corrosion rate of iron.  Thus, tinplate isdifferent from galvanized iron. It can have a good protective role on irononly in the case of anintact layer.

Tinplate was firstproduced in Bohemia (now CzechRepublic and Slovakia).  Since ancient times, this area has been rich inmetals.  People there have advanced technologyand know how to use water in the machine building.  They began to producetinplate in the 14th century. At that time, tinplate was mainly used to manufacture eating and drinking devices. During a long period of time, this location has been the world's mainproduction site of tin.
Inthe 17th century, Britain,France and Sweden hoped to build their own tinplate industry, but becauseof money problems, this industry could not bedeveloped.  Notuntil1811, when Brian Dangkin and John Hall opened a tinplate canned food business, had the tinplate manufacturing developed on a largescale.  Today the world production of tin is about 25 million tons per year, over one third of whichhas been used tomake tinplate, most of which is used in the canned food industry.
Metal cans are widely used infood packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, gift packaging, household goods, andthe pharmaceutical and chemical industries, among which the number usedin food packaging is the largest.  The largest user of metal packaging is the food industry,involving candy, cookies, chocolate, tea and Goldberg coffee.  It is gradually expanding its scope ofapplication.

Inmetal packaging, tinplate packaging is widely used.  As tinplate printing technology and processing technology continue toimprove and be perfected, tinplate packaging is used moreand more widely.

 Tin Can, Tin Box

The Tea Canister is a quite common kind of tea packaging.  Compared with other materials, this kind ofmaterial has advantages such as better barrier, gas and moisture prevention, shading,fragrance, as well as reliable sealing, which better protects the products.  Metal material has better printingperformance, bright and beautiful trademark design.  The packaging container can attract theattention and it is a good sales package.  According to the different needs, metalcontainers can be made as various shapes such as round, oval, square,horseshoe, trapezoid, etc.  This not onlymeets the packaging needs of different products, but helps to win the favor ofthe majority of consumers.

T-Star is a China-based tin can, tin boxmanufacturer and supplier.  We offer tincan, gift tin box, tin billboard, etc.  Ourhigh quality products are offered at competitive prices.  The full chain of manufacturing tin pencilbox, other tin can and tin box can be completed in China, even in one city.  Our lower manufacturing cost saves yourpurchasing cost.  More details of eachproduct are shown on the page with description.

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