Home Winch



The winch is used to hoist the core barrels, overshots,cores, inner tubes and outer tubes and include diesel and electric engines.
As a winch manufacturer based in China, we provide several types ofdrilling tools, including diamond core drill bits, diamond reaming shells, headassemblies, and more.  Our diamonddrilling tool is suitable for use in geotechnical exploration, mining exploration,oil exploration, etc.
Our products are in accordance with DCDMA and Sweden standard and are soughtafter by customers in Russia, Costa Rica, France, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the USA,New Zealand, and Australia, to name a few.
Located in Wuxi City, we are surroundedby transportation facilities including highways, airports, and sea ports.  This allows us to conveniently transport ourproducts and effectively reduce customer freight charges.
If you would like more information on any of our products please feel free tocontact us at your earliest convenience. If you cannot find the product you are looking for, we can customize ourgeological tools according to your specific requirements.  We look forward to hearing from you.


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