Home Paper and brochure folding types

Paper and brochure folding types

The typesetting of printings depends on the binding type of the book. For example, paperback and saddle-stitches, books with inserts and books without inserts have different typesetting methods. The different typesetting methods of printed matter including books, newspapers, and manuals decide on the folding type.

Paper and brochure folding types

The paper folding machine adopts one of the folding methods for folding processing according to the typesetting. At present, the folding types of book binding includes cross folding, parallel folding, accordion cross fold.

Cross folding
Vertical cross-folding which is mainly used for folding pages of various books, brochures, pamphlets and leaflets is a common folding type. For this folding type, the number of folds, pages, and sections all have easy and explicit rules. Generally speaking, books with whole-sheet or folio pages of 16K (210mm *285mm) and 32K (210mm*145mm) adopts the method of cross folding. Parallel folding
The type of parallel folding means that the creases of two adjacent folds are parallel to each other. This method is usually used for the folds of diptychs advertisement flyers and the book prints. The parallel folding machine mainly provides three folding forms: Double parallel fold Accordion fold Roll fold Accordion cross fold
Mixed folding refers to the folding type which combines two folding types above.

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