Home OBS Ocean Bottom Seismometer

OBS Ocean Bottom Seismometer


Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) is a kind of seismic observation system that place geophone directly at sea bottom. In marine geophysical investigation and research, OBS can be used to observe both artificial and natural seismic profile. The observation results can be used to study the velocity structure of marine earth crust and mantle and kinetic characteristics of subduction zone, trench and trough evolution. The results can also be used to study the seismic tomography of natural earthquakes, seismicity and earthquake prediction etc.

OBS Ocean Bottom Seismometer

OBS is a kind of seismic data collection system placed at ocean bottom. It can be used to record natural earthquakes and investigate artificial ones. OBS are widely used in oil exploration and investigation of deep structure of the earth etc.

Narrowband long-term 4-channel OBS OBS Portable short-term 4-channel OBS Short-term 4-channel OBS
Weight Instrument 90 kg 25Kg 44 kg
Seismic anchor 25 kg 10 ~ 15 kg 20 ~ 25 kg
Volume Instrument 600×600×1200 400x400x600 600×600×700
Seismic anchor included 900×900×1500 700x700x800 900×900×1000
Deployment depth limit 6000m, 9000m,12000m 6000m 6000 m, 9000m
Channels 4 (3 for velocity geophone and 1 for hydrophone)
Working time 10 ~ 15 months 2 months 10 months
Max recycling time 24 months 6 months 15 months
Geophone Bandwidth 60 s ~ 50 Hz, capacitance transduce seismometer(60 s ~ 50 Hz 120 s, 60 s and 30 s ~ 50Hz optional 1 Hz ~ 200 Hz 0.1 Hz, 2 Hz , 4.5Hz~ 200 Hz optional 0.1 Hz ~ 100 Hz optional; 0.1 Hz, 0.2 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 2 Hz ~ 100 Hz optional
Sensitivity 100V/(M*S-1)
Hydrophone Bandwidth 0.01 Hz ~ 20k Hz or 2Hz~30kHz
Sensitivity -165 dB re: 1 V/uPa
Power consumption 0.15 w
Dynamic range >120dB
Sampling rate 250, 100, 50 sps 500, 250, 100sps 500, 250, 100sps
Feature There are three types of OBS: broadband, short-term and portable, to meet various operation requirements. OBS can collect 3 channels of seismic signal and 1 channels of hydraulic signal, with great resolution and consistency. There are three operation depths optional: 6000m, 9000m and 12000m. There are multiple frequency bandwidths available: 4.5Hz~300Hz, 1Hz~200Hz, 5s~150Hz, 10sHz~150Hz, 30s~150Hz, 60s~100Hz, 120s~50Hz etc. According to different operation requirements, continuous operation duration can be 2~15 months and maximum retrieve period can be 6~24 months.

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