Home Curtain Wall System

Curtain Wall System

Curtain walls are most often used in commercial buildings because of their high aesthetic value and outstanding wind and corrosion resistance. All JMA curtain walls are made using 6063 or 6061 aluminum alloy for better performance.

JMA has more than 5000 sizes of standard structural curtain walls for you to choose from as well as some specific unitized curtain walls. If you cannot find the right curtain wall extrusions in stock, you are welcomed to send us your design drawing and we will offer you a final design through careful analysis.

Curtain Wall System

JMA has also developed curtain wall aluminum extrusions with sound insulation purpose to use on office buildings or other commercial buildings. The maximum curtain wall profile we can process has a cross section side length of 700mm, which satisfies most manufacturing requirements in the market.

The following are some typical curtain wall extrusions:

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