Home Snow Control

Snow Control

The harm of snowdrift

Snowdrifts are a frequent problem in high latitude areas during the winter, as they easily cause snow blockages, impair driver visibility, and lead to other hazards. Because of this, highway maintenance departments are constantly improving their snow handling facilities, and spend manpower, material and financial resources to keep roads safe for travel during the winter.

Snow Control

Green Technology (Tianjin) designs efficient snow fence systems according to customer working conditions. We will choose the appropriate material (plastic or metal), then the location and height of the snow shield can be designed according to specific site circumstances.

Principle of snow control

Travelers through snowy areas are faced with a number of driver safety issues, included reduced visibility. The installation of a snow fence reduces those risks, as it blocks blowing snow from impacting driver views.

Wind is forced to go around and through the snow fence, losing speed and energy.
Suspended snow particles drop out as wind speed decreases, forming drifts in front of and behind the fence.
Very little snow reaches the road, keeping lanes open and increasing visibility.

Ideally the fence should be set back from the shoulder a distance that 35 times the height of the fence. Placing the fence too close to the roadway can make drifting problems worse.

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