Home Pneumatic Breaker / Jack Hammer Chisels

Pneumatic Breaker / Jack Hammer Chisels

Moil points and flat chisels for air hammers

This pneumatic breaker is mostly used with pneumatic rock drill or air hammer to deliver excellent drilling performance. The shape of its head can be flat chisel or moil point, making it suitable to drill roads or rocks. The head of this jack hammer chisel is mostly hexagonal, and includes three sizes, namely 22 mm, 25mm and 32mm.

Pneumatic Breaker / Jack Hammer Chisels
Demolition Chisels Ø(s) L1 L
mm mm mm
26 26 56 56 415 415
28 28 28 28 81 81 81 81 445 445 600 600
22 22 22 83 83 83 433 450 533
25 25 25 25 25 108 108 108 108 108 300 400 500 558 718
28 28 152 160 600 762
Air Hammer Chisels Ø(s) L1 L Head
mm mm mm width
28 28 80 80 515 550 80 85
32 160 570 100

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