A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit is a pain relief device. It releases weak pulse currents to stimulate the nerves on pain points, then block the pain signals from the brain, thus relieving pain. It is used for pain relief in shoulders, neck, back, arms, and legs. Different modes are achieved by adjusting the electric current, including Tuina, vibration, kneading, Chinese needle and cupping for a completely drug free pain relief performance. It also effectively relieves fatigue. The F3 TENS unit, with a weight of only 38g, is small and portable so that you can use it to relax your body both at home and while out and about. Made of a silica gel, it will easily and safely stick to your skin and adjusted to fit target points at the neck, back, arms, legs, and lower back.
Features Wireless, small and portable Silica gel material: high skin affinity TENS drug-free treatment: safe and drug free pain relief, stimulates nerve muscle, promote blood circulation and relieve fatigue 7 pulse intensity classes: can be chosen according to your usage needs Multiple modes: Chinese needle, Tuina, vibration, kneading Rechargeable battery: A 2 hour charge ensures an 8 hour performance Easy to operate Custom supported: Size and appearance can be customized according to your requirements Material The body of the F3 TENS unit is made of silica gel that is safe and comfortable to use on your skin. The main components of the electrode pad are medical glycerin and water, which are both harmless to the human body. Our electrode pad has passed 3 biological compatibility tests, including in vitro cytotoxicity test, sensitization test and irritation test. In Box F3 TENS unit 8 pcs electrode pads A battery charger An instruction manual ParametersFrequency: 85HZ | Pulse intensity class: 7 options |
Color: Blue, red, green and customization | Certification: CE, FCC, RoHS |
Size: 138*56*10.5mm | Packaging size: 180*100*40mm |
Weight: 38g | Packaging weight: 138 g |
Battery: Charging | Packaging amount: 20PCS/bag |