Home Aerial Roller / Pulley Block

Aerial Roller / Pulley Block

Running out block and stringing block for stringing overhead conductors

Aerial roller, or pulley block, is made up of single or more sheaves and steel frame. The material of sheave is generally nylon or aluminum alloy, and the steel frame is galvanized or covered with coatings. Our stringing blocks are available with single sheave, three sheaves and five sheaves to fit for stringing single conductor, two or up to five bundled conductor lines. The central wheel of the pulley block can be made of cast steel to lessen the sliding abrasion wear brought on by the wire rope passing through the central wheel, therefore increasing the reliability of the stringing block in extreme cold or hot weather conditions.

Aerial Roller / Pulley Block

These stringing blocks are provided with single sheave, three sheaves and five sheaves, which are used for single conductor, two or three bundled conductor, and four or five bundled conductor.
After being hung on the power tower, the stringing block allows anti-twisting wire rope and other tools to draw the conductors toward the power tower through the wheel groove of the stringing block.

Specifications Single Nylon Sheave Aerial Roller
Model Max. Applicable Rope Diameter ( mm ) Dimensions (mm) F/E/B/C/A SWL/BL/PL (kN) MASS (kg)
AR1-27N 25.20 n/a 16.0 270 /200/60/42/70 20 / 50 / 30 6
AR1-32N 26.91 8.5 17.0 320 /240/80/62/90 20 / 50 / 30 8 - 10
AR1-40N 28.00 11.5 18.0 400 /314/80/62 /90 20 / 55 / 30 12 - 14
AR1-44N 29.14 12.5 20.0 440 /350/80/62 /90 20 / 60 / 30 14 - 16
AR1-50N 30.96 14.0 n/a 508/408/100/78/110 20 / 60 / 30 21 - 23
AR1-66N 32.00 18.0 n/a 660/560/100/78/114 20 / 60 / 30 28 - 33
AR1-75N 35.60 19.0 n/a 750/640/110/88/126 30 / 90 / 45 36 - 41
AR1-80N 36.23 20.0 n/a 800/693/115/92/131 33 / 99 / 50 42 - 46
AR1-82N 38.40 21.0 n/a 822/710/110/88/126 40 / 120 / 60 45 - 50
AR1-91N 42.00 22.0 n/a 916/800/110/88/126 45 / 135 / 68 50 - 55
AR1-91W 42.00 22.0 n/a 916/800/120/97/136 50 / 150 / 75 53 - 58
AR1-00N 45.00 24.0 n/a 1040/900/125/104/145 50 / 150 / 75 60 - 65
Three Nylon Sheave Aerial Roller
Model Dimensions ( mm ) SWL/ B.L./P.L. (kN) Mass (kg)
A1 A B1 B d D S E H L G
AR3-50N 78 100 78 100 408 508 104 322 200 888 23 40 / 120 / 60 52
AR3-60N 78 100 78 100 560 660 104 324 210 1090 23 50 / 150 / 75 76
AR3-61N 88 110 88 110 560 660 114 354 210 1090 23 50 / 150 / 75 83
AR3-71N 88 110 88 110 640 750 114 354 250 1225 25 60 / 180 / 90 93
AR3-85N 93 115 93 115 693 800 120 366 250 1280 25 65 / 195 / 98 102
AR3-81N 88 110 88 110 710 822 115 356 250 1302 25 70 / 220 / 105 115
AR3-82N 98 120 98 120 710 822 125 386 260 1336 30 75 / 225 / 113 122
AR3-91N 98 110 98 110 800 916 115 356 270 1446 30 75 / 225 / 113 123
AR3-92N 98 120 98 120 800 916 125 386 270 1440 30 80 / 240 / 120 128

The suspension fittings of pulley block can be configured as per your request.

Five Sheave Aerial Roller
Model Dimensions ( mm ) SWL/ B.L. /P.L. (kN) Mass (kg)
A1 A B1 B d D S K H L E
AR5-50N 78 100 78 100 408 508 104/ 208 200 908 530 50 / 150 / 75 75
AR5-60N/S 78 100 78 100 560 660 104/ 208 215 1110 532 60 / 180 / 90 112/140
AR5-61N/S 88 110 88 110 560 660 114 228 215 1110 582 60 / 180 / 90 121/153
AR5-62N/S 98 120 88 110 560 660 124 238 215 1110 622 65 / 195 / 97 128/160
AR5-71N 88 110 88 110 640 750 114 228 260 1275 582 70 / 210 / 105 145
AR5-85N/S 94 115 92 112 693 800 119 235 270 1310 602 100 / 280 / 150 170/210
AR5-81N/S 88 110 88 110 710 822 115 230 270 1322 586 100 / 280 / 150 175/220
AR3-82N 98 120 98 120 710 822 125 250 270 1322 636 110 / 308 / 165 182
AR5-91N/S 88 110 88 110 800 916 115 230 270 1426 586 120 / 336 / 180 200/250
AR5-92N/S 98 120 98 120 800 916 125 250 270 1426 636 130 / 365 / 195 220/270
AR5-02N/S 104 125 104 125 900 1040 130 260 300 1580 665 150 / 420 / 225 270/340
Notes The model suffix "N" means that the five sheaves of the stringing block are all made from nylon. The model suffix "S" means that the central wheel of the stringing block is made from steel, and other four sheaves are made from nylon. The suspension fittings of pulley block can be configured as per your request. Tags: stringing accessories
single-conductor stringing blocks
overhead line tools
helicopter stringing blocks

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