Semiconductor- / electronic- / electrical -equipment and their parts are usually at risk of damage under high humidity conditions. A Tanatt humidity indicator card determines the relative humidity around a sealed package to ensure it remains within a safe range. The user can estimate the ambient humidity of the package as well as the desiccant conditions according to the color shown on the card. When the indicating point turns into purple (between blue and pink), the value of the indicating point on the card is considered the current ambient humidity. If the package humidity is high, the indication point will turn from pink to blue. In doing so, your products are protected against exposure to humidity after this card is used.
Packing of semiconductor, IC / IDE / circuit board (PCB) and electronic devices, storage of sensitive components, munitions, optical instrument and metals as well as vacuum packing and sealing of all products.
Features Easy operation and observation, quick humidity measurement Wide humidity indication range (RH5%-RH90%) High sensitivity humidity indicator ±5% under the relative humidity Reusable (The product can be reused after it has been dried) Quality standard MIL-I-8835A (military standard of the USA) 2004/73/EC (EU environmental regulations) JEDEC (standard of the Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council) Humidity classification 10%-60% cobalt free moisture indicator labels(brown) 10%-60% blue humidity card Cobalt free humidity indicator card 10%-60% Cobalt free humidity indicator card(brown)10%-40% Blue humidity indicator card Cobalt free humidity indicator card(brown)5%-10%-60% Blue humidity card (5%-10%-15%)