Home Metalaxyl


Metalaxyl 98%, 95% TC, 35% DS, 25% WP CAS RN:



To control diseases caused by air-and soil-borne Peronosporales on a wide range of temperate, subtropical and tropical crops. Foliar sprays with mixture of metalaxyl and protectant fungicides are recommended to control air-borne diseases caused by Pseudoperonospora humuli on hops, on potatoes and tomatoes, Peronospora tabacina on tobacco, Plasmopara viticola on vines, Bremia lactucae on lettuce, and downy mildews on various vegetables, at 200-300 g/ha. Soil applications of metalaxyl alone are used to control soil-borne pathogens causing root and lower stem rots on avocado and citrus, at 500-1500 g/ha. Seed treatments control systemic Peronosporaceae on maize, peas, sorghum and sunflowers, as well as damping-off (Pythium spp.) of various crops.

Copper Oxychloride 35% + Metalaxyl 15% WP Copper Oxychloride Description

Copper oxychloride (CAS No. 1332-40-7) is foliar fungicide with contact, preventive action.

Metalaxyl Description

To control diseases caused by air- and soil- borne Peronosporales on a wide range of temperate, subtropical and tropical crops. Foliar sprays with mixtures of metalaxyl and protectant fungicides are recommended to control air-borne diseases caused by Pseudoperonospora humuli on hops, Phytophthora infestans on potatoes and tomatoes, Peronospora tabacina on tobacco, Plasmopara viticola on vines, Bremia lactucae on lettuce, and downy mildews on various vegetables, at 200–300 g/ha. Soil applications of metalaxyl alone are used to control soil-borne pathogens causing root and lower stem rots on avocado and citrus, at 500–1500 g/ha. Seed treatments control systemic Peronosporaceae on maize, peas, sorghum and sunflowers, as well as damping-off (Pythium spp.) of various crops.


Customized (1g-25kg for solid)

Mancozeb + Metalaxyl 72% WP Copper Oxychloride Description

It is used to protect many fruit, vegetable, nut and field crops against a wide spectrum of fungal diseases, including potato blight, leaf spot, scab (on apples and pears), and rust (on roses),It is also used for seed treatment of cotton, potatoes, corn, safflower, sorghum, peanuts, tomatoes, flax, and cereal grains.


Customized (1g-25kg for solid)

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