Based on refrigerator’s energy consumption and its actual storage space, various applicable products are available for our customers according to your different needs. Definitely, we will also provide personalized vacuum insulation panel to allow you to select their favorite products.

Features Good Thermal Efficiency is our particular strength. Traditional foam plastic insulation just allows a thermal conductivity of 22-25mW/m. K. However, our vacuum insulation panel can achieve its initial thermal conductivity of lower than 0.0025 W/mK or even 0.0015W/mK. Surely, to reduce energy consumption in your home our product must be your first choice; Extremely low insulation thickness is the characteristic of our vacuum insulation panel . Compared with the traditional vacuum insulation panel for refrigeration appliances, our product can provide you with plenty of usable food storage space in your refrigerator with easy access to energy efficiency index A+, A++, A+++, etc.; Reinforced with polyurethane foam, vacuum insulation panel needs to be attached in the sidewalls and doors of refrigerators or freezers with binding material and double-sided tapes. To leave you with more money to save, hot-melt adhesives and double-sided tapes are both for sale for your convenience; The highest reliability and superior performance are foundation for our vacuum insulation panel. As the ideal choice in air-conditioner market, VIP’s low thermal conductivity can also be guaranteed over a lifetime of more than 15 years;