Home Distribution Optical Fiber Cable

Distribution Optical Fiber Cable

Distribution optical fiber cable features many flame retardant tight buffered fibers with radius of 900μm as optical transmission mediums. The fiber optic cables are cladding with aramid as the strength member. The outer jacket of the distribution fiber optic cable is a sheath made of PVC or LSZH. Our clients can choose from single mode fiber or dual mode fiber when making options. And you can choose different fiber count including 2 cores, 4 cores, 6 cores, 8 cores, 10 cores, 12 cores. The fiber optic of this kind of fiber cable has a bending radius at least 20 times longer than that of the outer diameter of the fiber cable while moving. The fiber optic cable has an attenuation of 3.5 dB while transmitting at a wavelength of 850 nm and 0.4 dB for 1550 nm.

Distribution Optical Fiber Cable

Used for indoor wiring
Used for optical connection of optical communication generator rooms and for optical distributing frames of optical instruments and devices.
Used for pigtails and patch cords.
Used for leading fiber cables into buildings.

Standard Technical Parameters
cable type fiber count cable diameter (mm) cable weight (kg/km) tensile strength (N) crush resistance (N/100mm) bending radius (mm) jacket materials
GJFJV 2 4.1±0.25 12.4 200/600 300/1000 20D/10D LSZH/PVC
GJFJV 4 4.8±0.25 16.2 200/600 300/1000 20D/10D LSZH/PVC
GJFJV 6 5.1±0.25 20 200/600 300/1000 20D/10D LSZH/PVC
GJFJV 8 5.6±0.25 26 200/600 300/1000 20D/10D LSZH/PVC
GJFJV 10 5.8±0.25 28 200/600 300/1000 20D/10D LSZH/PVC
GJFJV 12 6.2±0.25 31.5 200/600 300/1000 20D/10D LSZH/PVC
(Please enter your desired product model)
Optical Properties
50/125μm 65.5/125μm G.652 G.655
attenuation @850 ≤3.5db/km ≤3.5db/km
@1300 ≤1.5db/km ≤1.5db/km
@1310 ≤0.5db/km ≤0.50db/km
@1550 ≤0.4db/km ≤0.40db/km
bandwidth (A grade @850 ≥500Mhz.Km ≥200Mhz.Km
@1300 ≥1000Mhz.Km ≥600Mhz.Km
numerical aperture 0.200±0.015NA 0.275±0.015NA
cable cutoff wavelength ≤1260 nm ≤1450 nm
additional attenuations due to temperature (-20℃~+60℃) @1300 ≤0.25db/km ≤0.25db/km
@1550 ≤0.10db/km ≤0.15db/km
Features Distribution fiber optic cables are produced in accordance with Plenum NFPA 262, Riser UL 1666 and UL 1685 OFNR grade. Fiber optic cables are tested and can achieve EIA / TIA 568-B3, Telecordia GR-409-CORE and ANSI / ICEA S-83-586 standards. Distribution fiber cables can be applied in many areas. They have high performance polyethylene outer jackets which can protect the optical fibers inside under high pressure and provide moisture proof protection. Distribution fiber optic cables have great flexibility which makes them suitable for indoor wiring. The fiber optic cables are designed to be insulated. They can connect 12 optical fibers at most. There are two types of optical fibers for our clients to choose from: single mode fiber and dual mode fiber. Our distribution fiber optic cables adopt fibers whose color code is 250μm which is convenient for optical fiber identification.

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