Home Unitube Indoor and Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable

Unitube Indoor and Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable

The unitube indoor and outdoor fiber optic cable is a dual-use fiber cable applicable for use in both indoor and outdoor locations. The fiber optic is placed inside the loose tube, then an aramid filler or glass yarn is used as a cable reinforcement. The exterior is a low smoke, zero halogen flame retardant sheath that corresponds with G.657A/B, G.652, G.651 standards.

Unitube Indoor and Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable

This fiber optic cable uses flexible materials and is suitable for use in small spaces. Because of its special sheathe, it is ideal for use in indoor wiring. The setting fillers inside the outer sheath also improve the strength and tensile capacity, and the excellent UV resistance of the sheathe allows the optical fiber to be used for outdoor wiring, aerial laying and pipeline laying.


Technical Parameters
cable type fiber count cable diameter (mm) cable weight (kg/km) tensile strength long/short term (N) crush resistance long/short term (N/100mm) bending radius dynamic/static (mm) storage temperature
GJFXTKV 2 6 45 600/200 1000/200 20D/10D -20+60℃
GJFXTKV 4 6 45 600/200 1000/200 20D/10D -20+60℃
GJFXTKV 6 6 45 600/200 1000/200 20D/10D -20+60℃
GJFXTKV 8 6 45 600/200 1000/200 20D/10D -20+60℃
GJFXTKV 10 6 45 600/200 1000/200 20D/10D -20+60℃
GJFXTKV 12 6 45 600/200 1000/200 20D/10D -20+60℃

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Optical Properties
50/125μm 65.5/125μm G.652 G.655
attenuation @850 ≤3.5db/km ≤3.5db/km
@1300 ≤1.5db/km ≤1.5db/km
@1310 ≤0.5db/km ≤0.50db/km
@1550 ≤0.4db/km ≤0.40db/km
bandwidth (A grade) @850 ≥500Mhz.Km ≥200Mhz.Km
@1300 ≥1000Mhz.Km ≥600Mhz.Km
numerical aperture 0.200±0.015NA 0.275±0.015NA
cable cut-off wavelength (λcc ) ≤1260 nm ≤1450 nm
additional attenuations due to temperature (-20℃~+60℃) @1300 ≤0.25db/km ≤0.25db/km
@1550 ≤0.10db/km ≤0.15db/km

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