Home NNC70-2Z Electromagnetic Power Relay (MK2P)

NNC70-2Z Electromagnetic Power Relay (MK2P)

The NNC70-2Z electromagnetic power relay (MK2P)can be applied to household appliances, mechanical control, industrial equipment, industrial control system ,automatic control system, agricultural equipment and power transmission and distribution, etc.

NNC70-2Z Electromagnetic Power Relay (MK2P)

The NNC70-2Z electromagnetic power relay (MK2P) provides changeover contacts that include two group of (10A) and three groups of (10A). The device provides the socket type installation mode. The device can be optionally equipped with indicator light and diode.



Model explanation
Contact parameters
Contact form 2Z,2H,2D
Contact load 10A
Maximum switching voltage 240VAC 10A 28VDC 10A
Contact material Silver alloy
Relay coil
Insulation resistance ≥100MΩ(500VDC)
Coil voltage DC:6 - 220V AC:6-380V
Pull-in time ≤20ms
Drop-out time ≤15ms
Withstand voltage Between the homopolar contacts 1000VAC/1min(Leakage current 1mA)
Between the heteropolar contacts 1500VAC/1min(Leakage current 1mA)
Between contacts and coil 1500VAC/1min(Leakage current 1mA)
Dimension 35.5 × 35.5 ×55.5mm
Weight About75g
Dimension and installation

① Front view; ② Side view; ③ 2Z wiring diagram-1; ④ 2Z wiring diagram-2

relay switch, electric switch, electrical device

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