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The pharmaceutical industry requires that heat exchangers used feature a high cleanliness and strong corrosion resistance characteristics. Because of that, we have designed our silicon carbide heat exchangers to have an excellent cleanliness, high corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and erosion resistance. Our silicon carbide heat exchanger for corrosive media can withstand high concentrations of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, mixed acid, strong alkali, oxidants, and other corrosive materials. Silicon carbide is also the only ceramic material that does not corrode under exposure to hydrofluoric acid.

Many processes in the chemical industry are carried out in an environment with high temperature, high pressure and strong corrosive properties. Therefore, they need equipment, such as the silicon carbide heat exchanger, that features a strong corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and erosion resistance to fully meet their production needs. Our silicon carbide heat exchanger for corrosive media can withstand high concentrations of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, mixed acid, strong alkali, oxidants and other highly corrosive materials. In some processes that mixed with hydrofluoric acid, it is difficult for rare noble metals such as titanium and zirconium to resist the corrosion, which is why silicon carbide is an excellent choice as it is the only ceramic material that resists hydrofluoric acid corrosion.


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