Home Belt Pellet Dryer in Combination with Dewatering Unit

Belt Pellet Dryer in Combination with Dewatering Unit

The belt pellet dryer in combination with dewatering unit is suitable for drying strand pelletizing processes in order to meet the requirements of a variety of complicated granulation drying. Functions include a negative pressure dehydration and heat drying.

Operational Principle
The strips are cooled through a spraying process on the traction transport using a mesh belt. A negative high pressure air stream is used to remove the moisture from the strips, thus dehydrating and drying them, with the air pressure generated using a high pressure fan.

Belt Pellet Dryer in Combination with Dewatering Unit


The belt pellet dryer in combination with dewatering unit can be used to assist in drawing strips, which can be used to reduce the fracture of tension strips, particularly for requirements of a high yield and high fill granulation.
The Belt Pellet Dryer in Combination with Dewatering Unit does not scratch particle surfaces because there is no friction with the material.
It is equipped with spray, dehydration and auxiliary heating process conditions.
It is convenient to clean with a mesh belt design, which saves more than 80% of the cleaning time over a traditional centrifugal dewatering machine.

dewatering equipment, dryer, pellet drying

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