Home ZL Series Light Duty Sludge and Slurry Pump

ZL Series Light Duty Sludge and Slurry Pump

ZL(R) series light duty sludge and slurry pump are single-stage, single-suction, cantilever, double casing and horizontal centrifugal slurry pump which apply to operating conditions of large flow, low concentration and lower head. When the speed is low, this pump can transmit slurry of strong abrasion and high density. Compared with WX type slurry pump of equivalent diameter, this type is of small size, light weight and high cost performance and has been widely used in metallurgy, electric power, chemical industry, mining, papermaking, building materials and other industries.

ZL Series Light Duty Sludge and Slurry Pump


Caliber 20mm~650mm
Maximum flow 10260m³/h
Maximum head 63m
Rotation 200-3000r/min
Power 7.5-1200kw

For details see clear water performance table.

ZL clear water performance table
Type Maximum motor power KW Material Clear water performance
Liner bushing Impeller Capacity Q Head Speed Efficiency NPSH
(m³/h) (l/s) (m) (r/min) η% (m)
20A-ZL 7.5 M M 2.34-10.8 0.65-3 6-37 1400-3000 39 3-5
20A-ZLR RU RU 2.69-9 0.6-2.5 7-32 1600-3000 33
50B-ZL 15 M M 16.2-76 4.5-20 9-44 1400-2800 62 3-5
50B-ZLR RU RU 12.6-60 3.5-17.6 6-38 1200-2600 48
75C-ZL 30 M M 18-151 5-42 4-45 900-2400 57 3-6
75C-ZLR RU RU 25-144 7-40 9-43 1000-2200 60 3-5
100D-ZL 60 M M 50-252 14-70 7-46 800-1800 60 2-3.5
100D-ZLR RU RU 61-252 17-70 8-38 800-1600 65 2-5
150E-ZL 120 M M 115-468 32-135 12-51.5 800-1500 65 2-6
150E-ZLR RU RU 137-486 38-135 10-36.5 800-1300 2.5-5.5
200E-ZL 120 M M 446-1325 124-368 14-63 600-110 73 3-14
200E-ZLR RU RU 277-1088 27-322 11-43 500-900 79 3-10
250F-ZL 260 M M 468-1386 130-385 9-47 500-1000 73 3-10
250F-ZLR RU RU 522-1278 140-355 10-39 500-900 73 5-10
300S-ZL 560 M M 468-2538 130-705 8-60 400-950 79 2-10
300S-ZLR RU RU 432-1900 120-528 7-41 400-800 81 3-8
350S-ZL 560 M M 650-2800 180-780 10-59 400-840 81 3-10
350S-ZLR RU RU 720-2811 200-790 10-41 400-700 86 3-7.5
400ST-ZLR 560 M M 720-3312 200-920 7-51 300-700 80 2-10
400ST-ZL RU RU 756-3312 210-920 7-37.5 300-600 85 2-8
450ST-ZL 560 M M 1008-4356 280-1210 9-48 300-600 80 2-9
450ST-ZLR RU RU 1080-4356 300-1210 9-40 300-550 87 3-10
500T-ZL 1200 M M 1440-5580 400-1550 8-51 250-550 86 3-10
500T-ZLR RU RU 1152-5112 320-1420 8-42 250-500 87 3-10
550TU-ZL 1200 M M 1980-7920 560-2200 10-50 250-475 86 4-10
550TU-ZLR RU RU 2160-6660 600-1850 13-43 250-425 88 3-10
650TU-ZL 1200 M M 3600-10260 1000-2850 10-57 200-425 86 4-10
650TU-ZLR RU RU 2520-9108 700-2530 10-39 200-350 86 2-8

Structural features
1. This pump is applicable to high duty and severe operating conditions for having large diameter and short cantilever to ensure the rigidity of the shaft.

2. The hardened stainless sleeve and the shaft are equipped through clearance fit, coupled with O-ring on the two ends, thus the shaft is of wear-resisting and anti-corrosion.

3. Either the front or back cover board of the impeller is equipped with auxiliary blade, which can reduce the return flow and the seal pressure. Other methods like a wider-runner and blade concave are adopted to enhance overcurrent ability and anti-abrasion ability for extending the service life.

4. The ability of withstanding high pressure of the pump casing and cover is ensured by using ductile iron material and strengthening rib.

5. The overcurrent components adopt various high Cr anti-abrasive alloys or different rubber and are of anti-abrasive, anti-corrosion, impact resistance, scouring resistance and other features. Moreover, the metal overcurrent components and the rubber ones can be used interchangeably or in a mixer way to satisfy the requirement of different operating conditions.

6. Seal types like packing seal, auxiliary impeller seal, and mechanical seal are available for shaft seal to satisfy different seal requirement.

7. You can choose to install the output position of the pump by eight different angles (with an interval of 45 degrees).

8. Oil lubrication and grease lubrication are provided to the bearing assemblies. The oil lubrication components is able to lower the operation temperature effectively to reduce the trouble caused by too high bearing temperature. The grease lubrication components have features of simple structure, reliable operation, and easy installing, commissioning and maintenance.

Outline drawing
Outline Dimensions
Pump model A B C D E F H J K M N S T V Q R P Suction flange Discharge flange The anchor hole Weight(Kg)
O.D I.D P.C.D HOLES O.D I.D P.C.D HOLES Metal Rubber
20A-ZL(R) 461 159 241 286 25 210 57 20 145 90 86 144 28 89 128 124 128 114 25 83 4-Ф14 102 20 73 4-Ф14 4-φ18 32 28
50B-ZL(R) 624 143 254 295 24 248 80 28 197 136 114 197 38 191 155 154 163 184 75 146 4-Ф19 165 50 127 4-Ф19 4-φ14 58 46
75C-ZL(R) 813 175 356 406 32 311 120 42 254 163 146 248 48 253 191 198 204 229 100 191 4-Ф19 203 75 165 4-Ф19 4-φ19 163 144
100D-ZL(R) 950 213 432 492 38 364 163 65 330 187 190 308 64 280 236 249 262 305 150 260 4-Ф22 229 100 191 4-Ф22 4-φ22 343 309
150E-ZL(R) 1218 257 546 622 54 448 220 80 457 237 248 403 76 376 303 324 324 368 200 324 8-Ф19 305 150 260 8-Ф19 4-φ29 718 696
10/8E-ZM(R) 1343 257 546 622 54 448 220 80 457 306 381 613 76 413 451 540 401 445 250 394 8-Ф22 382 200 337 8-Ф22 4-φ29 1625 1164
12/10F-ZM(R) 1549 349 762 857 95 636 280 100 610 324 438 696 98 451 476 603 470 552 305 495 8-Ф32 483 254 425 8-Ф32 4-φ35 1998 1340
300S-ZL(R) 1720 640 760 920 70 780 280 120 450 300 475 740 90 415 599 634 570 560 350 500 12-Ф26 530 300 470 12-Ф26 4-φ35 2270 1802
350S-ZL(R) 1776 640 760 920 70 780 280 120 450 340 530 825 90 425 643 691 620 640 400 580 12-Ф26 590 350 530 12-Ф26 4-φ35 3630 2823
400ST-ZL(R) 1840 620 900 1150 80 780 280 120 650 375 600 942 125 480 747 809 740 720 450 650 12-Ф33 685 400 615 12-Ф33 4-φ48 4210 3212
450ST-ZL(R) 1875 620 900 1150 80 780 280 120 650 400 660 1040 125 500 814 872 800 770 500 700 12-Ф33 740 450 670 12-Ф33 4-φ48 5596 4211
500T-ZL(R) 2291 880 900 1150 80 1040 350 150 650 437 780 1251 125 492 1013 1112 975 875 550 780 12-Ф39 850 500 750 12-Ф39 4-φ48 8172 6356
550TU-ZL(R) 2400 860 1200 1460 95 1050 350 150 900 625 860 1313 150 625 1055 1142 975 975 650 880 12-Ф39 900 550 800 12-Ф39 4-φ79 10900 8263
650TU-ZL(R) 2517 860 1200 1460 95 1050 350 150 900 641 1020 1553 150 641 1248 1360 1175 1175 800 1092 12-Ф55 1050 650 950 12-Ф45 4-φ79 18780 13915

All dimensions are in millimeters (mm)

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