Home Electric Fusion Fittings, HDPE Gas Pipe Fittings

Electric Fusion Fittings, HDPE Gas Pipe Fittings

We can provide gas pipe fittings consistent with ISO and CE standards for welding of electrofusion welding machine. The PE electric fusion fittings and pipes are welded together by the electrofusion welding machine. The material of pipe fittings is PE, and the color is black. A variety of shapes and sizes are available.

Electric Fusion Fittings, HDPE Gas Pipe Fittings
Specification A L
32 46 82
40 56 88
50 65 98
63 84 117
90 115 142
110 142 153
160 198 196
200 250 225
250 310 242
315 390 270

Specification A B L
63-32 84 46 130
63-40 84 56 125
63-50 84 65 124
90-50 115 65 160
90-63 115 84 154
110-63 142 84 177
110-90 142 115 165
160-63 198 84 220
160-90 198 115 220
160-110 198 142 240

Equal tee
Specification A B L H C
32 46 32 120 73 45
40 56 40 140 84 50
50 65 50 160 95 55
63 84 63 180 115 65
90 115 90 230 148 80
110 142 110 270 168 85
160 198 160 310 205 95

Reducing tee
Specification A B L H C
63-32 84 32 180 92 45
63-40 84 40 180 98 50
63-50 84 50 180 104 55
90-40 115 40 183 114 50
90-50 115 50 193 120 55
90-63 115 63 205 131 65
110-50 142 50 210 133 55
110-63 142 63 225 144 65
110-90 142 90 250 161 80
160-63 198 63 215 175 65
160-90 198 90 240 190 80
160-110 198 110 260 195 85

90° Elbow
Specification A L
32 46 65
40 56 70
50 65 80
63 84 100
90 115 133
110 142 153
160 198 200

Tapping saddle
Model Dn×dn A D d L L1
90-63 180 90 63 120 64
110-63 180 110 63 115 64
160-63 180 160 63 125 64
200-63 245 200 63 150 90
200-90 245 200 90 150 90
250-63 245 250 63 150 90
250-90 245 250 90 150 90

Brach saddles
Model Dn×dn A D d L L1
63-32 118 125 63 32 78
90-63 180 202 90 63 165
110-40 180 202 110 40 165
110-63 180 202 110 63 165
160-63 180 202 110 63 165

Repairing saddles
Model dn D A
90 90 180
110 110 180
160 160 180
200 200 245
250 250 245

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