The LED light load resistor belongs to wire winding resistor series with stable capability and high quality; the resistor is capable of rapid heat radiation with restricted space provided. As heat passes through the aluminum cover of the product, the power dissipates quickly to the surface of the resistor.
Typical applications of the LED light load resistor include capacitors, balance resistors and braking resistors, as well as LED lighting and audio testing.
Rated Power: 50-5000W, based on 25°C air cleaniness class
Resistance Range: 1-100kΩ(supports up to 500kΩ according to client specification)
TCR: 25,50,100,400ppm /°C or client specified
Working Temperature: -55-225°C
Insulation Resistance: >10000MΩ (500V 25°C 75% relative humidity)
Dielectric Strength: >3000V 50Hz 1min (25°C 75% relative humidity)
Protection Level: IP21, IP33, IP55, IP65 or client specified
1. The LED light load resistor is equipped with surface cooling utility.
2. The resistor adopts a full welding and molding structure to practice our environmental protecting idea.
3. The product also features high power, low noise, compact structure and small size.