Home GUIBAO 662 Silicone Sealant for Automotive Lights

GUIBAO 662 Silicone Sealant for Automotive Lights

Light Sealant, Automotive Sealant

Basic Uses
GUIBAO 662 Silicone Sealant for Automotive Light is designed for

Waterproofing bonding and sealing applications for automotive lights and other high quality lights. Features Two-parts, neutral cure to form an elastomeric rubber Stable performance from –55 ℃ to 180 ℃ Excellent adhesion to a wide range of materials such as metal, plastic, porcelain and glass Easy to operate, suitable for flow-line production Mixing ratio of 12:1 by weight of part A base to part B curing agent is recommended. GUIBAO patented product

GUIBAO 662 is available in black, grey and other customized colors.

The Part A of GUIBAO 662 is available in 200L drums (net 240kg) or 20L plastic pails (net 25kg), Part B in 20L plastic pails (net 18kg) or cartridges (net 300ml).

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These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications

Series.No. Item Typical Technical Parameters Test Method
Before curing
1 Appearance Non-flowing paste Visual inspection
2 Slump. mm 0 GB/T 13477
3 Viscosity. mPa.s Part. A 150 -
Part. B. 50-80
4 Working time, min (23℃, 50%RH) 5-10 GB/T 13477
5 Tack-free time, min(23℃, 50%RH) 8-15 GB/T 13477
After curing (after 7 days placed at temperature of 23℃ ± 2℃ and relative humidity of 50%±5%)
6 Appearance Elastic rubber -
7 Shore hardness, Shore A 40 GB/T 531
8 Shear strength, Mpa 1.5 GB/T 16776
9 Tensile strength, Mpa 2.4 GB/T 528
10 Elongation at break, % 350-450

* GB: Chinese National Standard
ISO: International Standardization Organization

Surface Preparation
All surfaces must be clean and dry. All stress, static electricity, dust, grease, etc. should be removed. The applicable solvents for cleaning includes alcohol, acetone etc.

• GUIBAO 662 has excellent adhesion to most substrates.
• Apply the sealant to prepared surfaces
• Cure time extends when
• Priming or plasma processing is necessary for the low surface energy substrates such as PTFE, PE, PMMA ect.

• For optimal adhesion, GUIBAO primer is recommended.
• Clean the substrate surface with solvents and then apply a thin coat of primer by dipping, brushing or spraying to form a thin layer of film
• Allow the primer to dry for 5~10 minutes. Apply the silicone sealant onto the primer once the substrate surface a little sticky to finger when touched.

Site Testing
• Stir part B to ensure the homogeneity of part

Butterfly Test
The butterfly test must be performed every time the pump is started up, including start-ups that occur after extended breaks. The purpose of this test is to check for an adequate mix of base and curing agent components

Snap Time Test
Once full mix of the two-part sealant (as confirmed by the butterfly test) is achieved, a snap-time test should be performed. This test must be performed on a daily basis. Snap time is an indicator test that can vary from technician to technician. The snap-time test relates the base-to-catalyst mix ratio to the cure rate of the sealant, and provides an indication of working time and deep section cure

GUIBAO 662 Silicone Sealant for Automotive Lights

Adhesion Test
Adhesion test is to check if sealant can adhere well to substrate or not. Adhesion test should be conducted to each kind of substrate. When change substrate materials, users should send the substrates to GUIBAO to run adhesion test by GUIBAO technical people.


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