Home GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 Fire resistant silicone sealant

GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 Fire resistant silicone sealant

fire resistant sealant, fire retardant sealant, fire proof sealer, silicone sealant, building sealant, architectural sealant

Basic Uses
GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 Fire Resistance Silicone Sealant is specially formulated for

Fire resistance and smoke seal of the smoke flashing of curtain walls Glazing and sealing fire rated windows and doors Fire retardant penetration seal of wires ,pipes, cables and cable trays Fire resistance sealing of other construction joints Features FV-0 class of fire resistance capability Excellent watertight and smoke tight performance Non-corrosive to metals, coated glass, concretes, marbles, granites and etc. Excellent weatherability and resistance to temperature extremes Excellent unprimed adhesion to a wide range of building materials Good compatibility with other neutral silicone sealants

GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 is available in two colours: black and white.

GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 is available in cartridges (net 300ml). 24 pieces to a carton.

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These values are not intended for use in preparing specifications.

Test Method Property Unit Standard Result
GB/T 13477 (ISO 7390) Slump mm ≤3 0
GB/T 13477 (ISO 8394) Extrusion rate ml/min. ≥80 482
GB/T 13477 (ASTM D 2377) Tack free time h ≤3 0.7
GB/T 13477 (ISO 7389) Tension recovery % ≥40 87
GB/T 13477 (ISO 11600) Movement capability % ±12.5 ±12.5
GB/T 13477(ISO9046) Adhesion after extension and compression cycle at fixed temp. No failure No failure
GB/T 13477 (ISO 8339) Elongation at break after immersion % ≥40 60
GB/T 13477 (ISO 10563) Weight loss % ≤25 5.4
GB/T 2408 Fire retardant rate FV-0 FV-0
GUIBAO 23864 Fire resistance

*GB: Chinese National Standard
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
ISO: International Standardization Organization

Complete technical information and literature, adhesion testing and compatibility testing results are available from GUIBAO.

Surface Preparation
Clean all joints removing all foreign matter and contaminants such as oil, grease, dust, water, frost, old sealants, surface dirt, or glazing compounds and protective coatings.

Application Method
Mask areas adjacent to joints to ensure neat sealant lines. Primer is generally not required for non-porous surfaces, but may be necessary for optimal seal performance of certain porous surfaces. So adhesion test is always recommended.

GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 Fire resistant silicone sealant

Apply GUIBAO DJ-A3-119 in a continuous operation using dispensing guns. Before a skin forms, tool the sealant with light pressure to spread the sealant against the backing materials and joint surfaces. Remove masking tape as soon as the bead is tooled.


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