Home Concrete Pole Trailer

Concrete Pole Trailer

Uses: to convey concrete poles on pavement, the pole is placed above the car frame if it is upward placement type and held by two manual chain jacks under the car frame.

Concrete Pole Trailer

Concrete Pole Trailer

Item number Model Diameter of pole (mm) Carrying weight (kg) Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg) Type
22101 RL2U Φ500 2000 1800 × 1100 × 900 160 Upward placement, U shape ring
22102 RL2A Φ470 1200 3200 × 1350 × 1000 150 Upward placement, adjust stop, manual drum break
22111 RL2B Φ470 1200 3000 × 1250 × 1100 180 Downward placement, manual chain jack
22111G RL2G Φ500 2000 3000 × 1250 × 1100 250

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