Casing and rod shoes are designed to position the rods or casing under overburden in drilling hole. The interior is smooth and large enough for free passage of coring equipment such as bits, reaming shells, core barrels and drill rods. These diamond tools are suitable for even severe drilling conditions covering unconsolidated overburdened or broken abrasive materials.
Different series and impregnation heights of impregnated casing shoes are available to meet your specific requirements. They are widely applied in very hard and fractured formations.
Surface Set Casing ShoesSurface-set casing shoes manufactured in Geotec use high quality natural diamonds material. They are widely used in various overburden formations.
Q Series: B, N, H, P
W Series: RW, EW, AW, BW, NW, HW, PW, SW, UW, ZW, HWT, PWT, BWS, NWS, HT, PT, SZ
Metric Series: 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 101, 116, 131, 146
X Series: RX, EX, AX, BX, NX, HX, PX, SX, UX, ZX