Home 2.5G 1650nm DFB Pigtail Diode Laser

2.5G 1650nm DFB Pigtail Diode Laser

Our 2.5G 1650nm DFB pigtail diode laser 1mw is generally applied for stabilizing or modulating light source. In addition, the high stability laser source can be used for testing apparatus and OTDR equipment.

The laser diode is composed of a CWDM-DFB chip, built-in isolator, built-in monitor photodiode, 4-pin coaxial package, and optional SC, FC, ST, or LC optical fiber connector. Customers can select the length of optical fiber and pin definition based on actual demand. The output power is available from 1MW.

2.5G 1650nm DFB Pigtail Diode Laser
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit Test Condition
Storage Temperature Tstg -40 100 °C -
Operating Temperature Top -40 85 °C -
Reverse Voltage Vr - 2 V cw
Soldering Temp - - 260 °c -
Soldering Time - - 10 s s

Optical & Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition
Rated Power Po 1 2 - mW Ith+30mA
Threshold Current Ith 10 - 20 mA CW
Forward Voltage Drop Vop - 1.1 1.5 V CW, Ith+30mA
Cent Wavelength λc 1645 1650 1655 nm -
Spectrum Width(-3dB) Δλ - 0.5 1 nm Ith+30mA
Side-mode Suppression Ratio SMSR 30 40 - dB -
Bandwidth Bw - 2.5 - GHz RI=50Ω
Monitor Current Im 0.1 0.5 1 mA CW, Ith+30mA
Dark Current of Monitor Id - - 100 nA CW, Ith+30mA
Optical Isolation ISO 30 - - dB 25℃

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