Home Ion Exchange Resin

Ion Exchange Resin

CAS. 7705-08-0

The ion-exchange resin is a widely used ionic exchanger in different separation, purification, and decontamination processes, especially in water softening and purification. It serves as a more flexible alternative to the use of natural or artificial zeolites. Also, it is highly effective in the biodiesel filtration process.

Ion Exchange Resin

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Domestic and foreign brands of ion exchange resin
China Brand Resintech Rohm & Haas Dow Dowex Sybron Bayer Purolite
Amberlite Duolite
Cation exchange Resins
001x7Na SR1L HCR-S(E)S S-100LF C-100E
001x7H C-242/ C-267 C-100H
001x8 CG8 IR-120 C-20 HCR-S(E) C-249 S-100 C-100
001x10 CG10 IR-122 C-20*10 HGR-W2/C10 C-250 S-110 C-100*10
001x16 IR-124
D001 SAC MP IR-252 C-26 S MSC-1 CFP-110 SP-112 C-150
SD65 CM15/16 C-360 SP-120 C-160
D113-Ⅲ WAC MP IRC-76/84 HP333 MWC-1 CCP CNP-80 C-104E
SD85 MAC-3 CNF/LF C-107E
Anion exchange Resins
201x4 SBG1P IRA-402 A-113 SBR-P ASB-P M-504 A-400
201x7 SBG1 IRA-400 A-109 SBR-C ASB-1 M-500 A-600
202-Ⅱ SBG2 IRA-410 A-102D/ A-104 SAR ASB-2/ A-550 M600/ 610 A-300/ A-300E
D201 SBMP1 IRA-900 A-161 MSA-1 A-641 A-500
D202 IRA-910 A-162 MSA-2 A-651 MP-600 A-510
D208 1X1
D301-Ⅲ WBMP IRA-93/94 A-392S MWA-1/ 66 AFP329 MP-62/ 64 A-100
D301-G IRA-92 AFP329
D311/D318 IRA-68 AP49 A-845
D218 IRA-478 AP-246
Condensate Polishing Resins
D003NJ . . . 650C . . SGC-650H
D203NJ . . . 550A . .. SGC-550OH
Chelating Resins
D401 SIR-300 IRC-718/ 748 XFS-4196 SR-5 TP-207 S-930
D402 SIR-500 C-467 A-1 S-940
D403 SIR-1100 IRC-743
D405 SIR-200 SR-4
D407 SR-7
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