Home Sport Mannequins

Sport Mannequins

Sports female mannequin
Mannequins depicting athletes in motion are far more likely to inspire shopper's interest and spur on sales than standing units. Loutoff Displays offers a wide range of female athletes in running or action poses. Each easily becomes the focal point of any window or floor display. Crafted from high quality fiberglass and finished in a white matte that complements any store décor, sports female mannequins are ideal for small scale or department specialty stores with a sports apparel line.

Sport Mannequins

Sports male mannequin
Sports male mannequins are great for retailers selling active and performance apparel. These Loutoff Display male mannequins in active poses showcase their athleticism and strength in action poses and half figure mannequins following through with their golf swing. Dress these male mannequins in jerseys, uniforms, and other performance apparel to grab the attention of customers.

Flexible Mannequin
YOGA Mannequin
Paul Series

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