Home Bursting Strength Testing Machine

Bursting Strength Testing Machine

Bursting Strength Testing Machine

Bursting Strength Testing Machine

Thecomputerized bursting strength testing machineis a piece of material testing equipment developedto determine the burst strength of woven/knitted fabrics, nonwovens,paper, leather and other materials by applying a hydraulic load under a rubberdiaphragm of a specific area. With the help of a digital pressure gauge (with peak value holdfacility), renewable rubber diaphragm, manual clamping device andforward/reverse/neutral drive system, this pneumaticbursting strength testing machine offersreliable performance with elongation measurement accuracy of up to 0.1mm.

Features of the Bursting Strength Testing Machine
1. Our bursting strength tester meetsthe requirements of new ISO standards, and it is fitted with professionaltesting software.

2. The pneumatic clamping devices help to reduce labor intensity, and sampleslippage is avoided during test. 

3. Due to the touch screen and English/Chinese HMI, our computerized bursting strength testing machine allows simpleoperation. In addition, on-line communication is also available.

 image004.jpg  : 
Pneumatic Chuck: different test areas with different clamps

Technical Data

Bursting Strength Testing Machine

Product name

GT-C12 Computerized Bursting Strength Testing Machine

Testing range (1%~100%)




Measurement range



Division value



Test area

7.3cm2 (Φ30.5mm), 10cm2 (Φ35.7mm), 50cm2 (Φ79.8mm), 100cm2 (Φ112.8mm)

Elastic membrane thickness


Pressuring speed


Max. expansion rate


Measurement units

Kpa, kgf/cm2, atm, mmHg, lb/in2

Test method

Constant speed, constant pressure, constant expansion rate

Data output

Printer, display screen






GB/T 7742, FZ/T 60019, ISO 2960, ASTM D3786, ISO 13938-2

Title: Bursting Strength Testing Machine | BurstingStrength Tester | GESTER
Keywords: Bursting strength testing machine, burststrength tester, burst tester, material testing equipment, textile testingequipment
Description: The computerized bursting strength testingmachine is intended to measure the bursting strength of variousmaterials, and its pneumatic clamps are scientifically designed to minimizesample slippage.

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