Home Military Training Series Climbing Frame

Military Training Series Climbing Frame


KQ21024A top view

KQ21033A top view

Our military training series climbing frame is evolved from the army training base. The climbing frame equipment gets all kinds of exercises of the army involved. Without going to the army, children can experience the training programs.

The military training series climbing frame is not only very cool, but also more challenging and adventurous than the normal ones. This outdoor toy will train children's characteristics of taking risks and being brave enough to struggle and help them to set up confidence, courage and enthusiasm to face the future.

Military Training Series Climbing Frame

Unit size (mm)(L×W×H)30000×30000×3500
Safety size (mm)(L×W)34000×34000
Installation timeThree days with four people
Note1. When children are playing the games, the parent should accompany with and guide the children. 2. The edge tool and corrosive liquid is forbidden.
For more details about product quality and safety consideration, please refer to the following page.

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