Home CL Module-Sectionalizing Switch (Load Switch)

CL Module-Sectionalizing Switch (Load Switch)

The CL module-busbar sectionalizing switch (load switch) is an important module for the solid insulated RMU. The components of the switch are listed below.

Standard Configurations and Features
1. 630A busbar
2. Single spring mechanism for disconnector/earthing switch
3. Switch position indicator for load switch and earthing switch

Optional Accessories and Features
1. Extensible busbar
2. Motor operation (24V/48V DC, 110V/220V DC/AC)
3. Auxiliary contacts
Load switch position 2NO 2NC
4. The secondary devices of the CL module-busbar sectionalizing switch can be mounted in the control box on the top of the switch cabinet.

CL Module-Sectionalizing Switch (Load Switch)

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