Home 6X37 Classification Bright Wire Rope, IWRC (Steel Core)

6X37 Classification Bright Wire Rope, IWRC (Steel Core)

The bright steel wire rope is a wire rope with oiled or oil-free surface. To prevent rust, the twisted steel wires are treated with oil-impregnated treatment. While entwisting the small steel wires, a pulley enters into the oil pool, and then moves to the wire rope axle. After that, those entwisted steel wires will be made into a wire rope with the same method. Generally, this bright wire rope serves as hoist rope.

Product Specifications
Structure: 6*37+IWRC
Diameter: 6 ~ 46mm
Tensile Strength: 1570N/mm2 ~ 1870 N/mm2
Standard: ASTM, DIN, GB, EN12385-4
Application: Cranes, excavator, winch, wire rope sling, etc. It is widely used in the oil fields.
Package: Wooden or plastic tray, carton, wooden box
Features: Wire rope-6X37 classification is most durable in the place where environment conditions are controllable. 6×37 series is more flexible than 6×19 series.

6X37 Classification Bright Wire Rope, IWRC (Steel Core)

Nominal Diameter Approximate Weight Nominal Tensile Strength (N/mm2)
1570 1670 1770 1870
Kg/100m Minimum Breaking Force of Steel Wire Rope (N)
8 5/6 22.1 24.4 29.6 32.2 31.5 34.0 33.4 36.1 35.3 38.1
9 3/8 28.0 30.9 37.5 40.5 39.9 43.1 42.2 45.7 44.6 48.3
10 13/32 34.6 38.1 46.3 50.0 49.2 53.2 52.2 56.4 55.1 59.6
11 7/16 41.9 46.1 56.0 60.6 59.6 64.4 63.1 68.3 66.7 72.1
12 1/2 49.8 54.9 66.6 72.1 70.9 76.7 75.1 81.3 79.4 85.9
13 1/2 58.5 64.4 78.2 84.6 83.2 90.0 88.2 95.4 93.2 100.0
14 9/16 67.8 74.7 90.0 98.1 96.5 104.0 102.0 110.0 108.0 116.0
16 5/8 88.6 97.5 118.0 128.0 126.0 136.0 133.0 144.0 141.0 152.0
18 11/16 112.0 123.0 150.0 162.0 159.0 172.0 169.0 182.0 178.0 193.0
20 13/16 138.0 152.0 185.0 200.0 197.0 213.0 208.0 225.0 220.0 238.0
22 7/8 167.0 184.0 224.0 242.0 238.0 257.0 252.0 273.0 266.0 288.0
24 15/16 199.0 219.0 266.0 288.0 283.0 306.0 300.0 325.0 317.0 343.0
26 1 234.0 258.0 313.0 338.0 333.0 360.0 352.0 381.0 372.0 403.0
28 1-1/8 271.0 299.0 363.0 392.0 386.0 417.0 409.0 442.0 432.0 467.0
30 1-3/16 311.0 343.0 416.0 450.0 443.0 479.0 469.0 508.0 496.0 536.0
32 1-1/14 354.0 390.0 474.0 512.0 504.0 545.0 534.0 578.0 564.0 610.0
34 -- 400.0 440.0 535.0 578.0 569.0 615.0 603.0 652.0 637.0 689.0
36 1-2/5 448.0 494.0 600.0 649.0 638.0 690.0 676.0 731.0 714.0 773.0
38 1-1/2 500.0 550.0 668.0 723.0 711.0 769.0 753.0 815.0 796.0 861.0
40 1-19/32 554.0 610.0 741.0 801.0 788.0 852.0 835.0 903.3 882.0 954.0
42 1-5/8 610.0 672.0 816.0 883.0 869.0 939.0 921.0 996.0 973.0 1050.0
44 1-3/4 670.0 738.0 896.0 969.0 953.0 1030.0 1010.0 1090.0 1060.0 1150.0
46 1-13/16 730.0 806.0 980.0 1050.0 1040.0 1120.0 1100.0 1190.0 1160.0 1260.0

Related Names
Cable Wire | Hoisting Ropes | Bright Stranded Wire

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