Home Completely Self Protected Single-phase Pole-mounted Distribution Transformer

Completely Self Protected Single-phase Pole-mounted Distribution Transformer

1. The completely self protected single-phase pole-mounted distribution transformer has high voltage porcelain bushing on the cover, and the bushing is equipped with eyebolt terminal that fits for copper or aluminum cable.

2. The low voltage bushings are fixed on the tank wall, and the annular shaped terminals are coated with tin on the surface.

3. Self-sealing pressure relief valve is applied.

4. The upper and lower hanger brackets are made from hot rolled steel, and they are welded to the tank. Additionally, they are fabricated in accordance with ANSI standard.

5. The one-piece fasten ring has several functions, such as extending the service life of our product, facilitating inspection process, maintaining uniform pressure around the entire rim, etc. It works together with a specially made tank rim, drawn cover and gasket to realize reliable sealing performance.

6. The ground connector is ring-type and bolted.

7. As the name implies, this product is able to protect itself against lightning, overload and short circuit, and the self protection system could also protect transmission and distribution lines from power failure when the transformer breaks down.

8. Compared with conventional type, the completely self-protected distribution transformer has similar parts including cylindrical tank, lifting lug, grounding device, core and winding, etc. However, it has some unique components as illustrated below.
a. One or two high voltage bushings are set on the cover, and a fuse is internally mounted in the bushing.
b. One or two lighting arresters, whose top ends are close to high voltage bushings, are installed on the tank wall, and they are connected to the high voltage bushings with the help of copper strips. On the other hand, the low voltage circuit breaker is placed inside the tank, and there are some other parts installed on the tank wall, such as operating handle, reset button, indicator light, etc.
c. Three low voltage bushings are on the tank wall, and the middle one, namely X2, is connected to the ground. For product with single high-voltage bushing, one end of the high-voltage winding is connected to the power grid, and the other end is connected to the group via tank wall.

Completely Self Protected Single-phase Pole-mounted Distribution Transformer

The completely self-protected distribution transformer could reduce the length of low voltage distribution lines and improve power supply quality. The wound core is proven to be an energy efficient design, and the pole-mounted method saves both space and money. With the help of this product, the low voltage power supply radius is cut down, and the line loss is 60% lower at least.

Aside from the above, this device shows good overload capability and allows simple maintenance, and it could deliver reliable performance is a continuous way.

Our completely self-protected distribution transformer is used to offer electricity to facilitate lighting system, agricultural production and industrial factory in rural places, remote areas and scattered villages, and it is also applicable for pole-mounted distribution lines for railways and urban power grids.

Technical Parameters

Table 1: D11 Series with CRGO Core for Foreign Area
Model Rated power (kVA) HV ratings(V) Tapping range(%) LV ratings(V) Loss (W) Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg)
No-load loss Full-load loss A B C D E Oil Total
D11-5 5 33000/19000, 30000/17321, 20000/11547, 13200/7620, 11000/6350 or others ±2×2.5%or others 120-240, 240-480,250-500 or others 29 95 860 430 510 340 286 15 92
D11-10 10 46 121 910 470 550 380 22 150
D11-15 15 58 215 970 500 580 410 30 210
D11-25 25 82 295 1025 550 630 450 45 258
D11-37.5 37.5 110 400 1225 630 680 520 50 340
D11-50 50 140 490 1235 630 680 520 62 395
D11-75 75 275 670 1300 680 720 550 591 88 480
D11-100 100 300 881 1350 780 810 610 94 530
D11-167 167 350 1400 1460 830 890 660 138 680
D11-250 250 650 2530 1570 960 950 660 250 990
D11-333 333 700 3500 1660 960 960 660 300 1160

Note: The above data are typical values andare for reference only. Customized products are supplied upon request.

Table 2: DH15 Series with AmorphousMetal Core for Foreign Area
Model Rated power(kVA) HV ratings (V) Tappingrange (%) LV ratings(V) Loss (W) Dimensions (mm) Weight(kg)
No-load loss Full-load loss A B C D E Oil Total
DH15-5 5 33000/19000, 30000/17321, 20000/11547, 13200/7620, 11000/6350 or others ±2×2.5%or others 120-240, 240-480, 250-500 or others 7 103 840 400 480 310 286 17 75
DH15-10 10 10 180 864 430 510 340 24 100
DH15-15 15 14 210 914 430 510 340 26 125
DH15-25 25 18.5 320 1041 480 560 380 33 162
DH15-37.5 37.5 24 500 1120 520 610 450 54 240
DH15-50 50 95 375 1245 520 610 450 62 295
DH15-75 75 135 580 1245 600 680 510 591 78 420
DH15-100 100 154 960 1270 640 710 510 89 465
DH15-167 167 176 1460 1470 940 840 610 140 650
DH15-250 250 220 1900 1560 1260 960 660 250 950
DH15-333 333 260 2600 1660 1260 960 660 300 1200

Note: The above data are typical valuesand are for reference only. Customized products are supplied upon request.

Table 3: D11 Series with CRGO Core forDomestic Area
Model Rated power(kVA) HV ratings (V) Tappingrange (%) LV ratings(V) Loss (W) Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg)
No-load loss Full-load loss A B C D E Oil Total
D11-5 5 10000 0 or±2×2.5% or ±5% 220-230or 440-460 35 145 790 440 530 330 286 22 80
D11-10 10 55 260 820 440 530 330 25 100
D11-16 16 65 365 870 440 530 330 30 125
D11-20 20 80 430 870 470 560 360 35 140
D11-30 30 100 625 1060 610 610 410 65 205
D11-40 40 125 775 1060 660 660 460 70 250
D11-50 50 150 950 1080 760 660 460 591 80 280
D11-63 63 180 1125 1110 860 660 460 80 320
D11-80 80 200 1400 1180 895 690 496 95 380
D11-100 100 240 1650 1230 935 690 496 105 435
D11-125 125 285 1950 1280 960 720 524 120 510
D11-160 160 365 2365 1340 1160 760 560 150 615

Note: The above data are typical valuesand are for reference only. Customized products are supplied upon request.

Table 4: DH15 Series with Amorphous MetalCore for Domestic Area
Model Rated power (kVA) HV ratings(V) Tappingrange (%) LV ratings (V) Loss (W) Dimensions (mm) Weight (kg)
No-load loss Full-load loss A B C D E Oil Total
DH15-5 5 10000 0 or ±2×2.5% or ±5% 220-230or 440-460 15 145 790 440 530 330 286 20 80
DH15-10 10 18 260 820 440 530 330 22 100
DH15-16 16 22 365 870 470 560 360 30 130
DH15-20 20 25 430 870 470 560 360 35 145
DH15-30 30 30 625 1060 610 610 410 60 220
DH15-40 40 35 775 1060 660 660 460 70 250
DH15-50 50 40 950 1080 796 696 496 80 280
DH15-63 63 50 1135 1110 896 696 496 591 90 370
DH15-80 80 60 1400 1180 924 724 524 100 415
DH15-100 100 70 1650 1230 1000 760 560 110 485
DH15-125 125 85 1950 1280 1050 810 610 120 510
DH15-160160 100 2365 1340 1260 860 660 210 765

Note: The above data are typical valuesand are for reference only. Customized products are supplied upon request.

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