For capacitors in reactive power compensation loop, they are often damaged as a result of harmonic current, switching current or over voltage. Thus, several low voltage reactors are highly recommended, and they should be mounted in series connection. They can suppress and absorb some amount of harmonics, thereby improving the reliability and stability of power supply system to a large extent.
Under most conditions, if the harmonic content in the mains supply is pretty high, a reactor that matches the capacitor is a must.
Model | Inductance (L) | Current (A) | Dimensions (mm) | Mounting hole size (mm) | Weight (kg) |
DK-0.11/150 | 0.11 | 150 | 130×120×150 | 105×90 | 7.7 |
DK-0.3/250 | 0.29 | 250 | 220×285×225 | 140×190 | 42 |
DK-0.8/250 | 0.7818 | 250 | 320×310×450 | 210×280 | 105 |
DK-1.6/130 | 1.56 | 130 | 290×280×360 | 210×250 | 60 |
Model | Inductance (L) | Current (A) | Dimensions (mm) | Mounting hole size (mm) | Weight (kg) |
KY-20/1200 | 0.02 | 1200 | 300×200×280 | 180×190 | 45 |
KY-55/750 | 55 | 750 | 230×255×195 | 160×126 | 35 |
KY-70/560 | 70 | 560 | 230×230×195 | 160×130 | 35 |
KY-110/370 | 0.11 | 370 | 190×225×172 | 160×130 | 24 |
KY-200/220 | 0.2 | 220 | 191×175×170 | 160×100 | 17.5 |
KY-393/84.7 | 183 | 211 | 153×175×140 | 127×88 | 9.5 |
KY-183/211 | 393 | 84.7 | 190×210×175 | 160×115 | 19 |
Model | Inductance(L) | Current(A) | Ratedvoltage (KV) | Power(KVA) | Ratedreactance (%) | Dimensions(mm) | Mounting holesize (mm) | Weight(kg) |
CKSG-0.6 | 3.057 | 14.5 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 6 | 240×140×165 | 100×110 | 12 |
CKSG-1.5 | 1.223 | 36 | 0.4 | 1.5 | 6 | 240×155×185 | 100×115 | 18 |
CKSG-15 | 0.313 | 143 | 0.4 | 6 | 6 | 460×310×460 | 100×150 | 80 |
CKSG-6 | 0.526 | 167 | 0.4 | 15 | 6 | 500×310×500 | 320×250 | 118 |
CKSG-1.53/160 | 1.53 | 160 | 0.4 | 1.53 | 6 | 600×330×580 | 320×250 | 190 |
SK-8/80 | 8 | 80 | 0.4 | 8 | 6 | 600×330×580 | 320×250 | 205 |
Related Names
Current Limiting Reactor | 3 Phase Line Reactor | Reactive Power Compensation Parts