Home Concrete Bridge Mould Release Agent

Concrete Bridge Mould Release Agent

Concrete Bridge Mould Release Agent

Concrete Bridge Mould Release Agent, MNC-TL Type

MNC-TL type concretebridge mould release agent is composed of refined grease solvent andappropriate amount of additive with white appearance and fine texture. Itfeatures high purity, high content of oil, high temperature resistance, lowsolidifying point, high stability of quality, strong antioxidant, no erosion,no pollution and no harm to human body.

Our concrete bridge mould release agent is widely used in large bridgesand sleepers and other cement products for the mold release process.

Dosage and Usage
Recommendeddosage is 20m2/kg.
2. With alittle concrete bridge mould release agent, you only need to use duster topaint a thin coating on template.

Each iron barrel of concrete bridge mould release agentweighs 13.5 kg.

Concrete Bridge Mould Release Agent

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