Home Cold Rolling Mill Rolls

Cold Rolling Mill Rolls

Among all of the rolling mill rolls, cold rolling mill roll requires the highest quality requirements. Its manufacturing technique is also the most complex. Work rolls for cold-rolling mills work under extremely high rolling pressure to produce a plastic deformation upon the cold-rolled steel strips. Besides, as a driving roller, cold rolling mill roll have to bear the transmission torque. So its hardness and strength must be high enough.

Cold Rolling Mill Rolls

TongYu has set strict inspection system in the cold rolling mill rolls production line, which is comprised of smelting, forging, heat treatment, flaw detection, and machining. The work rolls we produce are in line with the GB/T 13314-2008 manufacturing standards.

high-carbon steel, hyper-eutectoid steel, Chromium-molybdenum alloy, and forged steel, like 9CrMo and 9Cr3Mo, etc.

Manufacturing Process
Smelting – Forging – Heat Treatment – Roughing – Quenching and Tempering – Finishing – Packaging

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