Home Boiler Centrifugal Induced Draft Fan, Y5-48 Series

Boiler Centrifugal Induced Draft Fan, Y5-48 Series

Y5-48 series induced draft fan is designed for a wide range of industrial boilers with dust removal powered by coal of varied quality. To protect the fan and extend its life, the highest temperature of where the fan works should not exceed 250℃, and the gas particle content should be no more than 150mg/m3.

Boiler Centrifugal Induced Draft Fan, Y5-48 Series

NO. Rotating speed (r/min) Flow (m3/h) Total pressure (Pa) Motor power (kW)
4C 3550 2932-5564 1501-2221 5.5
3150 2602-4937 1180-1746 4
2800 2313-4388 932-1377 3
2500 2065-3918 724-1097 2.2
5C 3150 5304-9851 1913-2819 11
2800 4715-8757 1509-2223 7.5
2500 4210-7818 1202-1769 5.5
2240 3772-7005 964-1419 4
6.3C 2800 9432-17516 2403-3545 22
2500 8421-15639 1913-2819 15
2240 7546-14013 1533-2259 11
2000 6737-12511 1221-1798 7.5
8C 2000 13794-12619 2253-3323 30
1800 12415-23057 1823-2686 22
1600 11035-20495 1438-2118 15
1400 9656-17933 1100-1619 11
10C 1800 22250-44634 2958-4483 75
1600 19778-39674 2332-3531 55
1400 17305-34715 1782-2696 37
1250 15451-30995 1419-2145 22
12.5C 1400 33800-67803 2794-4234 110
1250 30179-60538 2223-3365 75
1120 27040-54242 1782-2696 55
1000 24143-48431 1419-2145 37

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