Home 3600 OBD CAN-BUS Alarm Upgrade Kits

3600 OBD CAN-BUS Alarm Upgrade Kits

3600 OBD CAN-BUS Alarm Upgrade Kits

3600OBD CAN-BUS Alarm Upgrade Kits

Applying CAN-BUS to the car is becoming increasingly popular. In addition tohigh-end cars, more and more medium and low-end cars start adopting CAN-BUS.CAN bus transfers data fast,which can effectively guarantee the effectiveness and accuracy of the data. Byadopting CAN bus, the number of the wiring harness inside the car can besignificantly reduced, so the stability of the line is improved.

The 3600 OBD CAN-BUS alarmupgrade kits can be installed directly through the data pin and there is noneed of wiring, which is very convenient. They can be used together with theoriginal alarm system of the car, providing more safety and reliability. Whenthe driving speed is up to 5km/h,the door will be locked automatically. When the car is powered off, the doorwill be automatically unlocked.

There is sound alert when locking or unlocking the door. If the door is openduring driving, there will be light alert. This CAN-BUS alarm upgrade kits willalso send an alert when the door or trunk is failed to close. They have a shockalarm function and the sensitivity of the shock sensor can be adjusted. Inaddition, our product is equipped with a G-sensor and has emergency brakeunlocking function.

3600 OBD CAN-BUS Alarm Upgrade Kits







Operating Voltage: 12V±3V

Static Current: ≤8mA

Vibration Sensor Current: ≤2mA

Operating Frequency:433.92MHz/315MHz

AutoWindow Closing System

Operating Voltage: 12V±3V

Static Current: ≤8mA

Relay Current: 2mA

Standard Package

Main Unit


Wiring Harness


Shock Sensor




1.3600 Main Unit

2.3600 Wiring Harness

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