Home Reflective Truck Tape

Reflective Truck Tape

Reflective Truck Tape

Reflective Truck Tape

Reflective truck tape isused to improve traffic safety and reduce traffic accident, and it is appliedto all trucks in China.Consequently, our 3M and TM productssell well all over the country. What’s more, the product has been exported toother countries in the world.

Detailed Information





Diamond Grade

3M 983

Red 6”/white 6”, yellow

5cm*45.72m per roll

HIP Super Grade

3M 983D

Red 6”/white 6”, yellow

5cm*45.72m per roll

Engineering Grade


Red 6”/white 6”


It is hard for drivers and pedestrians to recognizeordinary vehicle on dark road, so traffic accident may happen in thissituation. Our product can reflect light, so it is catchy and can help avoidtraffic accident. The product is 5cmwide, and at least 45m long, soit is enough for the use of several trucks.

Our reflective truck tape has three grades, namely diamond grade, hip supergrade, and engineering grade. Product of diamond grade is six times as brightas product of engineering grade, and its brightness will only reduce to 50%after ten years. The brightness of the other two grades will reducesuccessively, but they have lower cost. These three types all havered-and-white design, but products of diamond grade and hip super grade alsohave yellow surface.

Reflective Truck Tape

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