Home Stainless Steel Convex Mirror

Stainless Steel Convex Mirror

Stainless Steel Convex Mirror

Stainless Steel Convex Mirror

Stainless steel convexmirror is perfect for industrial and outdoor situations where vandalism is aproblem, or where extreme weather is not experienced. This heavy duty productis unbreakable, tough, and durable, so it can withstand hard knocks andprojectile objects like rocks. Mirror face is made of 304 gauge highly polishedstainless steel, which is used to provide clear reflection without distortion.

Moreover,the product is equipped with a fully adjustable wall mounting bracket, which iseasy to install and can adjust the mirror to the ideal position. Optional polemounting accessories are available, but wall mounting screws are not included.Our product is used in vandal prone area, driveway, car park, and security checkpoint,and can be used for industrial safety, outdoor security around buildings, andborder control, etc.

Our stainless steel convex mirror can be installed at road corner orentrance to broaden driver’s visual field and avoid traffic accident. The productcan also be used in warehouse and supermarket to help administrator see deadangle clearly and prevent theft effectively. Made of stainless steel, theproduct is shock resistant, so it can protect mirror face efficiently.Moreover, the stainless steel housing will not get rusty even after long-termuse, so it is always smooth and artistic.

The producthas an orange cap on its top, which is used to attract people’s attention.Furthermore, the cap can prevent the product from rainstorm and burning sun insome degree, so life span of the product can be prolonged. Our stainless steelconvex mirror has two types, namely KLBCA-0060 and KLBCA-0080, diameters ofwhich are respectively 60cmand 80cm, socustomers can choose their favorite products according to their specificrequirements.

Stainless Steel Convex Mirror

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