Home Screen Mesh Belt Dryer

Screen Mesh Belt Dryer

Screen Mesh Belt Dryer

Screen Mesh Belt Dryer

Screen mesh belt dryer distributesmaterials on belt by proper accessory equipment, such as star distribution,swing belt, grinder and pelleting machine. Belt getsthrough a passage which is composed by one or several heat units. Every unithas air heat, circulation system, one or several moisture-dispelling systems.When belt passes, hot air gets through material on the belt from up to down orfrom bottom to top, thus drying materials uniformly.

Thereare many features of screen mesh belt dryer. In the first place, this machinecan adjust air amount, heating temperature, material retention time and feedingspeed to achieve the best drying effect. At the same time, temperature can becontrolled automatically or manually and transmission speed is regulated steplessly. Secondly, with flexible device configuration,washing system and cooling system can be used on this machine. In addition tothat, microwave, steam, heat transfer oil, electric or gas hot air furnace areall qualified for heat source. So there are many heating methods available,including oil heating, electric heating, steam heating, hot air heating andmicrowave heating. There is a special air distribution device so airdistribution is more uniform thus product quality is consistent. Last but notleast, .

As a kind of common continuous drying equipment, screen mesh belt dryer iswidely used in drying of agricultural and sideline products, Chinese medicinalcrops, tea and tobacco, etc. In addition that, this product is also applicableto sterilizing, dehydrating, and curing of many products with section shape,sheet, strip and other shapes. Of course, we can provide customized combinationof this product according to specific needs of our customers, such as type ofraw material, moisture content, final demand, and other requirements. Accordingto different raw material, moisture content, final demand and customers’different requirements, our company can supply tailored combination of thisbelt mesh dryer

High efficiency hot air stove

Screen Mesh Belt Dryer

High efficiency hot air stove is widely used in drying of agricultural andsideline products, Chinese medicinal crops, tea and tobacco, etc. Burning ismore efficiently inside this machine because unique and rotary line secondarycombustion chamber is adopted. At the same time, this product has high heatefficiency, stable heat supply, easy control and safe operation. Outputmaterial has low dust concentration. Last but not least, temperature range ofoutput material is wide.


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