SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard
The SQL Server 2008R2 standard isa complete data management system. It can provide the company departments orsmall companies with a business intelligence platform to run their ownapplications. It can help to enable an effective and powerful databasemanagement with the minimal IT resource. This product has the function of databackup compression that can reduce the data backups by up to 60%. This functioncan help to save the time spent onto data backup, and lower the cost of storagemedium. It has outstanding application and multi-server managementcapabilities, as well as the high-scale complex event processing ability underthe help of the StreamInsight server.
Basedon the strong foundations of the SQL Server 2008 R2 standard, the user and user’s organization is able to executethe database operations with confidence, improve the IT developer’s workefficiency, and enable the highly scalable and well-managed businessintelligence on a self-service basis.
SQL Server 2008 R2Standard delivers a complete data management and business intelligence platformfor departments and small organizations to run their applications, helpingenable effective database management with minimal IT resources. The followingcapabilities are new to Standard: