Auto Lift
Single Pole AutoLift 1
Two Pole Car Lift2
Car Scissor Lift3
Four Pole Automotive Lift4
Combined Vehicle Lift5
Five categories of auto lift are provided which are single pole/two pole/fourpole type, car scissor type, and combined type, and they all gained the CEcertificates of EU. The lifting capacities for single pole type and two poletype are 2.5T and 4.0T, respectively. And the value for four pole type rangesfrom 3.5T to 5.0T. On the other hand, the car scissor lift has a liftingcapacity of 3.5T, and it takes up quite little space which makes it perfect forsmall cars. Furthermore, the combined type is mainly designed for lifting bigbuses, trucks, freight cars and others, and different solutions are offeredbased on your request.