Home Permanent Ferrite Magnet

Permanent Ferrite Magnet

Permanent Ferrite Magnet

PermanentFerrite Magnet

The permanent ferrite magnet, also known asceramic magnet, is composed of iron and barium or strontium oxides. It ischarcoal gray in color and usually offered in the form of discs, rings, blocks,cylinders, etc. With high coercivityand high remanence aftermagnetization, the material is also very cheap. Hence, the ceramic magnet is widely usedin many applications. It is usually found in magnetic assemblies designed forlifting, holding, retrieving, and separating purposes. Typical applicationsinclude loudspeakers, electromagnetic instrument pickups, household appliances,DC brushless motors, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetos used onlawnmowers and outboard motors, DC permanent magnet motors used in cars, andseparators for separating ferrous material from non-ferrous material.

1. The permanent ferrite magnet has highintrinsic coercive force and is available in a variety of simple shapes.
2. Compared with alnico and rare earth magnets, the ceramic material isprovided at the lowest prices and is lowest energy product. In addition, theservice temperature of the material is lower than that of alnico and greaterthan that of rare earth.
3. The tooling is expensive. Finishing requires diamond cutting or grindingwheel.
4. Although the material is made to grades from 1 to 8, the most common gradesare 1, 5 and 8. Grade 1 refers to the weakest ceramic material, which istypically non oriented.Grades 5 and 8 refer to oriented ceramic material, and grade 8 is the strongestgrade of the ceramic material available.

For pressed material, tolerance on the thickness is ±0.005 and on otherdimensions are ± 2.5% or ±0.010. According to IMA standards, some common visualimperfections we usually find in sintered metallic magnets are hairline cracks,porosity and minor chips. A chipped edge is acceptable as long as the missingsurface is within 10 %. Cracks are considered acceptable if they don’t extendacross over 50% of pole surface.

Magnetizing and Handling
Because the material isvery brittle, chipping or breakage may occur if it drops on a hard surface oris allowed to “jump at” an attracting object. Therefore, please handle thematerial with extreme care. When making magnetic assemblies with ceramic material,magnetizing the product after assembly will greatly facilitate the production.

The brittle ceramicmaterial requires special machining techniques and equipment, instead ofconventional ones. With years of experience in the field, our company has thetechniques and equipment needed for cutting and grinding the material to yourexact specifications.

1.         Code
2.         Br
3.         Hcb
4.         Hcj
5.         (BH) max.
6.         Sintereddensity
7.         %Shrinkage rate (%)
             :Vertical direction


Permanent Ferrite Magnet



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