Home ECAV, ASSD Air Curtain

ECAV, ASSD Air Curtain

ECAV, ASSD Air Curtain

, ASSD Air Curtain

All our range of air curtain can be added with strip curtains to achieve greaterefficiency in the conditioning process.

ECAV Air Curtain with Strip Curtain
TheECAC model air dooris made up of two fast-acting strip doors and it is ideal for light and medium trafficfreezers as well as high humidity situations.

ASSD Air Curtainwith Strip Curtain
The ASSD model of air curtain is a motorized strip curtain door.Actuated by motion detectors, the strip curtain can be easily adjusted to suittraffic speed. This range of industrial air barrier system is recommended for doorwayssubjected to infiltration due to temperature differences.
1. The air curtain can be mounted either inside the doorway or within the doorjamb.
2. Fully lapped strips offers a high effectiveness up to 95%.
3. These clear plastic strips are much more durable than push-through strips.
4. In addition to negative pressure applications, the strip curtain door canalso be used between two freezers without the demand for any heat.

ECAV, ASSD Air Curtain

Air Curtain with Strip Curtain, Strip Doors - Jingxue


Air curtain, air door, strip curtains, strip doors, industrial air barrier system, strip curtain door


Our ECAC and ASSD models of air curtains are additionally designed with clear plastic strip curtains to increase efficiency. The fully lapped strips ensure 95% effectiveness.   


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